Friday, February 14, 2014

100 Things to Do

We finally finished our list of 100 ideas of things to do close by the house that don't require electronics. I had to limit it to things close by, since we don't always have the time to go out someplace.

1.       Read a book
2.       Play in the snow
3.       Play outside
4.       Draw a picture
5.       Make a fabric craft
6.       Build a fort
7.       Practice piano/guitar
8.       Talk a walk
9.       Play with bunnies
10.   Have a playdate
11.   Clean up a room
12.   Sort/organize something
13.   Write a story or poem
14.   Play with stuffed animals
15.   Build an outdoor fort with sticks
16.   Sweep the floor/vacuum
17.   Learn something new
18.   Eat snacks
19.   Bake something
20.   Juggle
21.   Legos
22.   Plan an event
23.   Make a play
24.   Play board games
25.   Sing a song
26.   Look for wildlife
27.   Look through photo album
28.   Make shadow puppets
29.   Invent something
30.   Do a puzzle
31.   Make a card
32.   Write a letter
33.   Paint
34.   Exercise
35.   Play tag
36.   Hide and seek
37.   Look at the sky
38.   Talk to someone
39.   Pray
40.   Hug someone
41.   Do an experiment
42.   Practice math skills
43.   Do homework
44.   Knit
45.   Play with Calico Critters or Action Figures
46.   Do a project
47.   Memorize something
48.   Practice your aim
49.   Fix your bed
50.   Swing set
51.   Scooter
52.   Bike
53.   Take a nap
54.   Play card games
55.   Make a restaurant
56.   Cook something
57.   Decorate something
58.   Take a bath
59.   Count your blessings
60.   Plant/tend a garden
61.   Paper airplanes
62.   Erector set
63.   Marble tracks
64.   Dominos
65.   Build a castle
66.   Play in a tent
67.   Practice Tae Kwon Do
68.   Color
69.   Draw a maze
70.   Make a word search
71.   Work on flag book
72.   Where’s Waldo?
73.   Scavenger Hunt
74.   Make up a game
75.   Play with Star Wars characters
76.   Water play
77.   Blow bubbles
78.   Sidewalk chalk
79.   Read the Bible
80.   Do something nice for someone else
81.   Play Sudoku
82.   Make bracelets
83.   Rainbow Loom
84.   Think
85.   Plan a surprise
86.   Jump rope
87.   Wash dishes
88.   Pack up recycling
89.   Listen to music
90.   Dress up in costumes
91.   Sword/lightsaber fight
92.   Practice cartwheels
93.   Have a picnic
94.   Play 20 questions
95.   Start a collection
96.   Dust
97.   Wrestle
98.   Sew
99.   Go to the park/playground
100. Make a list

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! I like #100! I make lists now, and I thought it was fun making them as a kid, too!
